Christmas at St James and St Paul's
All Age Nativity Service
Sunday 22nd 10:00am @ St James

We are trying something new this year!!
This year we are doing a pop up nativity.
Bring your children as they are, we will have costumes and they can join in.

Carols by Candlelight
Sunday 22nd 6:30pm @ St Paul’s
Our Carols by Candlelight brings that fuzzy Christmas feeling to all who come. We deck the church out with candles, turn the lights down and sing those good old carols that make us feel christmasy and fuzzy on the inside.
After the service we will have mulled wine and mince pies.
Why not join us!!
Christmas Eve 4:00pm @ St James

Our Christingle service starts with making the Christingle itself.
We take an orange, put a candle in, we then wrap it in red tape and then put sweets and raisins on 4 sticks that go into our oranges.
After making the Christingle we have a short service where we sing some carols.
As we sing Away in a manger, we light our candles and turn the lights off.
Please do join us!!

Midnight Commuion
Christmas Eve 11:30pm @ St James
Our candlelit midnight communion is a great way to start Christmas Day, remembering what Christmas is all about, the baby born in the manger.
It is a beautiful quiet service, where we can reflect on the birth of Christ.
Christmas Day All Age Celebration
Christmas Day 10:00am @ St Paul’s
Come and join us as we celebrate the joys of Christmas Day together, remembering God with us, as the Son was born as a man.
In this service we see and hear what we got for Christmas, no matter how old or young you are. We sing some carols to help us remember Jesus' birth and we celebrate that Jesus came and remember the reason he came as we share the Lord's Supper together.
Knowing that people want to also be with their families on Christmas Day, this service only lasts approximately 45mins.